Tag Archives: spell

Create Magickal Makeup to Enchant Your Day With Color!


   Hey guys, and Merry meet! I thought that today I would step out of my comfort zone at the urging of my oracle cards, and try a little something new here. I wanted to sort of smash the two JNJ worlds together and merge them into something, just for today. May or may not be a constant thing. But, I thought today I would talk about color correspondences and how you can use them to manifest your intent throughout your day with your makeup!

    Anyone can do this, even my brothers and sisters in the broom closet. You guys may not know this, but a lot of what I do is based off of color correspondences. Any of my spell work that has a physical component of any sort has all of the correspondences accounted for. My embroideries, my crochet projects, the jewelry I make on occasion… I’ve figured out how best to use the colors to help me achieve whatever it is I’m after.

   You really can’t tell, because I haven’t done anything (anything) with makeup in a while, but I do still quite enjoy doing my makeup to get ready for the day. If you also like doing your makeup, but feel like you could use a little more oomph in your routine, stick around!

What color will you chosse?
Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels
  1.     The first thing you’re going to want to do before even sitting at your station or taking your place at the mirror, is ground thyself. I’m talking deep breaths, close your eyes and just be.
  2.  Once you feel sufficiently grounded, focus on your intent.  Think about what do you want from this day. Do you want to draw in positivity? Keep yourself calm? Exude confidence? Warn predators? Attract luck?
  3.  Now you have your intent. Good. You’re ready to sit down. Take your brush and get to work. Use the Color Correspondences below, or since colors do mean different things to each of us, feel free to take your own liberties. I view red as a violent and angry color, but some  (a lot?) of people see it as passionate and loving, for example.
  4. With each color you dip into, say (mentally, or aloud) the attribute you wish for that color to bring to your day while holding that intention in your mind’s eye. 
    1.  Or, alternately, you can use this short incantation before you begin, to enchant the entire process. I would recommend remaining mindful during this process.
      1. Aphrodite (or Goddess), of beauty and grace
        I call on you as I prepare for the day
        With these colors, draw what I seek
        As I will, so mote it be

Color Correspondences

[table id=5 /]

     Luckily, a lot of colors do tend to have some overlapping correspondences and there are so many sorts of colors that aren’t even on this chart. When you start mixing colors you can get entirely new correspondences. But, for now, we’re going to leave this one as it is. 

     I hope this gave you some ideas on how to make this part of your day just a little more magickal. Nothing needed except for what you already have. I would love to see what you guys come up with!

Just an Update to my Etsy Store!

     Hey guys! This post is the first one exclusively for the spooky segment of the site, so unless you purposefully came to this post from the home page, you’re not going to be seeing it. So hey! Let’s do an Etsy update! I’m still brain-storming a few things on here, for instance the colors. What’s up with not being able to change the color of the web page based off of what content you’re looking at?

    There’s a way to do it, I just haven’t found it… or a way to make it make sense. Anyway… I just wanted to do an official post updating everyone on the state of the Etsy Shop. To be honest, I can’t recall if I’ve ever said anything about it prior. But there’s no better time on JNJ to talk about Metaphysical things than now. I have an Etsy shop where I previously only read Tarot for buyers. I’ve had the shop open for the greater part of a year, as well. 

     I sell Tarot Readings on things like Family Issues and to help you hone in on your destiny. There are other readings up as well, and I plan to add more. Aside from the Tarot, I’m also selling spell vials. My favorite is one I wear all the time to facilitate spirit communication and psychic awareness. Coincidentally that was also my first sale when I added a selection of 3 spell pendants. 

      Up until the 15th of December, I’m running a sale where you can get the pendants for 50% off if you buy one by itself. However, if you buy a Tarot reading during this period I’ll send you a spell vial (or bag) pertaining to your concern.  Honestly I’m definitely shocked that it wasn’t one of the Tarot/Spell combos that sold first. And to be completely honest, I didn’t expect to sell anything during the sale, just because of how slow it’s been historically. 

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled. I just didn’t think it would happen. These new items have been up for 2 days, and we’re already moving along nicely. I don’t think I’ll ever be one of the lucky ones that can use Etsy for their livelihood, but I can at least use it to find my coffee habit.

     You can view my listings below in both categories, I’m planning to be adding more things soon. Like spell satchels and poppets and the like. In the future, I might also throw some other sorts of encharmed jewelry, while I’m at it.